In view of increased knowledge in our days in its various fields, conflicting explanations are given to the origin of proven facts, according to the "religion" which each one has learned or adopted. This article would take a huge amount of space if each one were examined, so it will be limited to what the Word of God tells us about creation and the conflicting principles of Fixism and Evolution, in face of known reality evidenced by what has been discovered.
The Bible is a collection of books inspired by God with the purpose of promoting the spiritual recovery of man. This being the case, it provides only a short report of the creation of the world in which we live, contained in the first two chapters of its first book, Genesis. God there proclaims, after each step of creation, that "it was good", which means that all was perfect.
In the third chapter we are informed about the "fall" of the first couple of human beings: they committed an act of insubordination, and so lost their spiritual life, which is fellowship with God, and were prevented from eating of the fruit of the tree of life, thus becoming subject to physical death. God also cursed them and the earth (Gen. 3:15 a 19). The initial perfection was then undone, giving rise to general physical degeneration, as well as moral and spiritual degeneration of the human being.
After this the Bible briefly relates the history of corruption of humanity during the first two millennia after creation, ending with a global catastrophe. In it all that breathed air was destroyed by the water: "all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened" and it rained continuously during forty days and forty nights, so that the peaks of the highest mountains were covered by the water.
It is overheated water accumulated in deep underground lakes which provides the energy of the magma for volcanic eruptions known up until today. These would be the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11), to which passages were broken up leading to the cataclysm which was the "flood", combined with the breaking out of immense volumes of water contained in the atmosphere.
Let us imagine volcanos many times more powerful than Krakatoa exploding along the world, all at the same time! The result would be a colossal transformation of the surface of earth, forming oceans, mountain ranges, continents and islands, with a much reduced extent of clouds remaining in the atmosphere, which since then has allowed the penetration of harmful rays of the sun onto the surface of earth.
These are scientific deductions which explain so many things which evolutionists try to attribute to catastrophes which would have occurred, as they think, in the course of billions of years. It also explains the disappearance of gigantic animals and plants, of which only fossils remain for our admiration, but we still have specimens of some of those species, in reduced size and degenerated over time, descending from those which survived in the ark.
With Noah's family only a couple from each species of animal which breathed air on the face of the ground existing in those days were saved (but seven specimens of certain animals and of each kind of bird), all of them having floated to safety inside the security of a gigantic ark. Noah's family and the animals which were saved were the origin of the population of all the people and animals living on dry land today, which spread all over. We deduce that the fish, aquatic animals (whales, crustaceans, molluscs, and so on) and plants didn't cease to exist, but were able to survive in the water, or by means of their seeds.
We find no more in the Bible about the interference of God over His creation, but there is the expectancy of the lifting of the curse and renewal of creation, as Paul clarified: "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labours with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body." Romans 8:19-23 (NKJV).
We conclude that there was an addition or modification on the occasion of the fall of man, when God cursed the earth and it began to produce "both thorns and thistles" (Genesis 3:18). All which is in the world (including micro-organisms) was created by God through the "Word" Who we know as the Lord Jesus, in Whom is "the life". (John 1:3.)
Following that, there has been a gradual degeneration throughout the ages until our days. During the flood, in a few months the atmosphere lost a part of the water it contained, and the continents, islands and mountain ranges arose. Some of the initial species of animals and plants may possibly have been extinguished during this time, among them being animals whose fossils have been found, and of whose species there appears to be no specimen living today, even much modified.
With the degeneration of creation, the descendants lose some of the characteristics of their parents, which causes them to vary among themselves. This is easily proved by the diversity found among the components of a determined species, or family. For example, there are dogs of many sizes, colours, temperaments, intelligence, but all belong the species of the canines, of which wolves, foxes and other animals also form part. Also in human beings we see variations in the colour of skin, of hair, of eyes, and in stature, genetic malformations, etc.
It is important to note that the changes, or mutations, are always the result of degeneration, that is, formative elements (in the DNA) are lost, reduced or modified, as a result of solar radiation, disease and accidents. They can be recovered, in their offspring, through crossing with another specimen of the same species which still has them intact. Up to the present not one case has been found where a non existent element has naturally appeared in any species. The lack of this evidence gives the lie to all the theories of evolution.
Using procedures of modern genetics, it was discovered that the variations in the colour of skin, for example, can happen in few generations. And good evidence exists that the various ethnic groups we have today are not separated by great periods of time.
Fixism was a well accepted doctrine or philosophical theory in the 18th century. In biology it proposed that all species were created just as they are today by divine power, and will continue like that, without change, throughout all their existence, so that no significant changes in their descent will ever occur.
We immediately see that Fixism errs by judging that biological species remain today just as they were initially created, for it doesn't take into account the degeneration which occurred since the "fall", nor the cataclysm of the Flood, responsible, for example, for the destruction of the giant specimens of species then existing.
In geology Fixism sustained that the continents were maintained stable and fixed in their present places through all geologic history. Nowadays continental drift is accepted in the form of the geo-tectonic theory of the plates, but geologic Fixism continued to be defended along a considerable time until the accumulation of evidence eventually favoured the scientific acceptance of continental drift.
Fixism ignored the effects of the flood: the biblical report allows the conclusion that, initially, land was contained in only one continent, surrounded by the seas (Genesis 1:10). We deduce that the cataclysm of the flood caused the separation of the plates, forming continents and islands, and they continue in a slow movement lifting mountain ranges and giving rise to volcanoes, earthquakes and seaquakes. It is part of the degeneration of creation.
Evolution consists in a considerable number of theories elaborated after the publication of Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" in the 19th Century.
Evolution is atheist, and is in direct opposition to Fixism and also to Creation. Its theories, religiously elaborated by its partisans, have been acclaimed as a "science" by the great majority of the faculties, even though they are vehemently denied by many serious scientists because of their crushing statistic improbability and by the absolute lack of evidence, which is essential for them to be classified as scientific.
According to Evolution, all that exists today, the whole universe, emerged from nothing. From an unknown cause, by means of an initial "explosion", all matter went on forming itself through an immensity of time (you can add as many "zeros" as you like …), many universes emerged, and in them an infinity of galaxies like our Milky Way, stars like our sun and systems like our solar system, planets, etc. Planet Earth then emerged, which cleverly organised itself to be able to sustain life, and this suddenly appeared building organisms which we know as vegetables and animals up to the point where we find ourselves today, in all its beauty and diversity.
Fairy tale? That is what is now taught in our schools as being "science", and the evolutionist "scientists" are desperately looking for some proof of these theories which, by the way, are constantly changed because of lack of evidence. All the organisms now existent are immensely complex, and even the smallest and simplest microbe could never form itself on its own no matter how much time he had to do it in.
True science teaches that there is no creation without there being a creator, that anything, animate or inanimate, left on its own tends always to corrupt or dissolve itself, that it is impossible to obtain order from chaos without the interference of an intelligent agent, and so on. Evolution wants to find something which does the opposite, but hasn't found one yet.
As the apostle Paul said: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:18-22 - NKJV).
In short: Creation teaches us that all was created perfect, and is going through a process of degeneration, Fixism taught that, since creation, nothing has changed, Evolution believes that all we have today emerged from nothing, and is automatically making progress through accidents to an increasing state of perfection, without the need for a creator and supporting God.
For students and others having interest or need to know discoveries made (often concealed by Evolutionists because they belie their theories), I recommend the site . Also very enlightening, is the book "Creation: Facts of Life" of Dr. Gary Parker, which can be acquired through that site.
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