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The ease with which you get a divorce today, resulting in new marriages, is having an impact on some local churches, particularly with regard to new converts.
The views on what action to take vacillate between a strict legalism and compassion. In some places, I am informed, there is even afraid to preach the Gospel to divorced married again, because of the problems that will come if they convert!
We do not want nor can we dictate rules on this subject, but let's just try to clarify what we learn from Scripture, because the passages where it is treated can sometimes seem in conflict.
Briefly, let's see what comes to marriage and divorce:
Marriage: the Lord Jesus, referring to the union of man and woman in Genesis 2:24, said, "so that they are no longer two but one flesh" (Matthew 19:6). The marriage gives rise to a single entity composed of one man and one woman, who is the beginning of a new family.
Divorce: Continuing, the Lord Jesus said: "What God hath joined together let no man put asunder." It is a commandment forbidding marital separation, and separation, therefore, a sin before God, and divorce a result of this sin. Divorce is to eliminate all matrimonial ties between a couple, within certain conditions determined by a judge seeking the protection of children, economic equity, etc.. With divorce the marriage is broken and those who were partners again be free as before to marry outside the obligations of the divorce decree.
The idea that marriage is "indissoluble" comes from the Roman Catholic tradition, whereby the marriage solemnized by their priests can be dissolved only with the permission of the pope. Brazilian law embraced the "indissolubility" until recently.
The Lord Jesus was led to speak about divorce by religious Jews, because the law of Moses foresaw the possibility of the husband to issue a letter of divorce if he did not liked it (Deuteronomy 24:1-4). We find his teaching in the following passages of the Gospels: Mark 16:18 and Luke 10:2-12.
Permission to carve a divorce and repudiate the woman was given in the law along with the prohibition of a second marriage between the two, if there was another marriage and divorce by the woman. The Lord Jesus told the Pharisees that permission was given because of the hardness of their hearts, but the man must not separate what God has joined together.
To the disciples he explained that he, or one who divorces his wife and remarry commit adultery. These excerpts do not include the divorce because of adultery, according to the law, the unfaithful spouse who practiced adultery would be stoned (Deuteronomy 22:22-25), the other spouse, widowed, could remarry. Matthew 5:31-32 and 19:8-12, the Lord Jesus excludes the condemnation of immorality (Gk. porneia) prohibition of remarriage.
Immorality here can mean adultery, infidelity during the betrothal period (see Matthew 1:19), or consanguineous marriage between close relatives (Leviticus 18). In this case, divorce is allowed. As in other cases a remarriage would be adultery, the disciples felt it was better not to marry (19:10). The Lord replied that some men and women need not marry, can live in isolation. This is not for everyone (1 Corinthians 7:2), but an individual decision.
In short, any divorce (outside on the grounds of immorality) is the result of disobedience to God, and leads to adultery. These statements were addressed to the Jews, explaining what the Lord Jesus as King, determined their subjects.
His earthly kingdom where He will rule the people with a rod of iron, coming soon on the Sabbath. If he reigns in our hearts, we do well to obey them as well.
We belong to a new congregation, the church of Christ, which, although situated in the world, not of the world. Those who belong to it are not subject to the law of Moses, but we love God and His Son, and give proof of this love we have for one another (John 15:10,12, Romans 13:8-10).
Disobedience to God is characteristic of the unbeliever, the man without God, resulting in divorce, murder, theft, false witness, etc.. We can not stop him: the lost sinner, many of these are symptoms of his sin and his destiny is eternal separation from God. The only thing, and most importantly, it is to preach the Gospel of salvation in Christ. When the sinner repents and receives Christ as their Lord and Savior, he becomes a new creature. All your sins will be forgiven, even if it results in adultery, divorce, murder, etc.., With the blood of Christ paid the price of his redemption.
There is no reason why not to be baptized or received with dignity by the local church on the condition of a newborn in fellowship in the local church, participating in the Lord's Supper. As for his ministry, the Spirit is able to demonstrate through the gifts that will be awarded. There can be no communion between the saved and the world as well as the light has no communion with darkness, nor can there be union of the believer with an unbeliever (2 Corinthians 6:14,15).
Having appeared for this doubt about the existing marriage to an unbeliever and the believer should let him, like all other things, the apostle Paul, directed by the Holy Spirit said:
1 Corinthians 7:12-17: When Paul says "I say, not the Lord" he introduces a new instruction, which has the authority of an apostle, directed by the Holy Spirit). The teaching is that, when converted, a person should not leave your spouse if he continues incredulous, especially if they have children because they may be led to Christ by the believer, and in this sense are "saints." The believer must do whatever I can to bring your spouse to Christ, and, depend upon it, must stay in the situation that was to save himself: married. But if the unbelieving spouse resolve to leave him, the believer no longer be "under bondage" because we were "called to peace": divorce dissolves the marriage bond. Although not explicitly stated, it is the understanding that, being the innocent party, the husband (or wife) who has been divorced believer is free to contract a new marriage because, in Paul's words "because of the impurity, each having its own wife and each woman have her own husband "(1 Corinthians 7:2).
"Let every man abide in that state was called" (1 Corinthians 7:17-24): it is not appropriate to require a new convert, divorced and married her second marriage before becoming that leave your wife and try this again marry a divorcee, as I am told, has already happened. Even if it were legally possible, is rarely feasible without causing immense inconvenience and misery to everyone. Attitudes like this are sending precious souls to hell, because many end up not preaching the Gospel to divorce by "political correctness" before the local church, and even more serious is that a behavior like this would be the same thing as saying that the sacrifice of Christ cleanses all sins, except the awe of the divorced remarried.
The situation of a couple of believers before God is such that it seems impossible that they will divorce, proved to all that God dwells within us by practicing the great commandment of Christ that we should love one another (1 John 4:13) ; further, the husband must love his wife as Christ loved the church and the wife should be submissive to your husbands, as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22-33). A Christian woman should not be separated from her husband, nor the Christian husband of his wife (1 Corinthians 7:10-11), as the Lord had said to the Jews if, disobedient wife (or husband, we also understand) to separate, she should not marry again, but to seek a reconciliation. Although, according to the Lord, immorality is a legitimate reason for divorce, the Christian spouse have offended the opportunity, if not the duty, to reconcile with the unfaithful spouse if he confess his offense and asking your forgiveness (Mark 11 : 26), just as Christ forgives all sin (1 John 1:9).
Unfortunately, situations arise in which one spouse is supposed believer flees to his duties, and disobedient to God, separates and then get a divorce. For example, if a believer's wife divorces him legally for any reason permitted by applicable law in the country, can he marry again? Regardless of the legal reason, if there is immorality of the woman (and usually is), there seems no doubt that yes, according to the teaching of the Lord. But this woman, if you really believing and repenting, to what we understand should not remarry (1 Corinthians 7:11). Whoever declares himself a believer and divorces, is denying his faith. Other situations may still arise and must be studied carefully in the light of the Bible, always using as mercy is God's will: "be merciful, even as your Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36), and "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice "(Hosea 6:6).
Sin is a terrible thing, and though forgiven, in some cases leaves scars and consequences that can not be deleted. In the case of divorce, ruined lives and worse, children without a home with the love of father and mother, and all the confusions that arise with new marriages and new children, etc.. As good as we want, we can not fix most of the time situations arise. But we can show love, "which covers a multitude of sins" to the victims of this sin, suffer that much, particularly if they are the innocent party and now live a new life in Christ.
Perhaps a brother find it difficult to accept these arguments, their own convictions or other reasons. We recognize that everyone does not always see things the same prism. Divorce is a deep cut, extremely traumatic for the victim and her children and family, which you can not go back. Let us be merciful to our brothers who have gone through this, victims of sin and disobedience of others. Let us remember the exhortation: "so you should, however, forgive him and comfort him, lest it be consumed by excessive sorrow" (2 Corinthians 2:7-8). The compassion of God is revealed when Christ forgave the adulterous woman. Are we among those who condemned it, but then quit because they also had sinned?