The invasion by Assyria (8:1-10)
The first four verses predicting the fall of Israel and Aram. Aram fell to Assyria in 732 Bc, and Israel in 722 BC.
The Lord instructed Isaiah to write "Maer-Salal-Has-Baz" in a Cattail in clear letters.
Isaiah had two witnesses, Uriah the priest and Zechariah, son of Jeberechiah, who later will confirm the message. Isaiah put your message on a scroll in a public place. God was warning all his people.
The prophetess, to conceive and immediately give birth to a son, would be the Virgin giving the first fulfilment the prophecy before that conceived and would have a son (Isaiah 7:14). But this is not what would be called Emmanuel, as was written in the Cattail, meaning "quick to loot and quick to ruin", and points to the destruction of Israel by Syria and Assyria. The Lord played the meaning when instructed Isaiah to give this name to the newborn.
The Lord continued to talk to Isaiah, now with information about Israel. Because the people of the northern Kingdom rejected the waters of Siloe ("what is sent"-see John 9:7) that flow smoothly, and rejoiced with Euphrates, symbol of Assyria (Rezin and Remaliah's son), he would be flooded by the river Euphrates (Assyria).
Siloam was a small fountain that supplied Jerusalem secretly, and is used here as a symbol of the word of God or trust in the Lord. The Euphrates typifies Assyria to conquer Israel and Syria. Assyria also invade Judah, covering the breadth of the Earth of Emanuel, but not with complete success — just "up the neck". The enemies of Judah will eventually be overcome despite your plans and preparations.
Because the people of Judah rejected the goodness of God, preferring to seek the help of other Nations, so God would punish him. We see two distinct attributes of God — his love and his wrath. Do not take into consideration his love and guidance results in sin and invites his wrath. We must recognize the consequences of our choices. God wants to protect us from the bad choices, but He still gives us the freedom to make them.
The sanctification and the fear of the Lord (8:11 -22)
Isaiah was instructed by the Lord to not do as the people, calling it a conspiracy all the people called conspiracy and fear what people feared, not if.
You should be sanctified and feared, and he must be your amazement. He will be as a sanctuary for those who do. But for the two houses of Israel He will be rock of scandal, and a stone of stumbling (Romans 9:33, 1 Peter 2:8). Also a bow to the residents of Jerusalem.
Isaiah commanded that the testimony was tied and sealed law among his disciples (just came to us, a little less than three millennia later), until its fulfilment. Adds that will wait on the Lord, who strayed from his people.
Isaiah (the Lord saves), Sear-Forth (a remnant will return) and Maer-Salal-Has-Baz (rushing as the enemy for the spoils) are just about the meaning of their names, signs and wonders of God any mercy to Israel and of judgment on his enemies.
The Prophet warns his people against those who advocate the spirits by consulting mediums and wizards. Men should resort to God alive, not to the dead at the request of the living. Today's devotion to the occult is nothing new: before each major crisis in human affairs, there has always been an explosion of Spiritism. In the days of Isaiah was in Judah and Israel, shortly before the captivity. Also on the occasion of the incarnation and of the atoning death of Christ. So is today. God has already provided everything needed for our orientation and spiritual needs in the Scriptures of truth (2 Timothy 3:16 -17).
All teachers should be tested by the word of God. If his teaching do not agree with the Scriptures, "never raiará the dawn." All those who are misinformed so roam, hard pressed and hungry, cursing his god and his Government for their situation. They will seek to find relief in heaven and on Earth, but will only find darkness and gloom of anguish.